Sunday morning after running the Green the day before followed by stuffing ourselves at Kevin's house we rolled out of bed (or in my case rolled off Kevin's couch) around 7:30 and started gathering gear. The weather was looking great and the
Cispus River was coming up to a more run able level at 1410
cfs. Since there were only five of us with four boats we loaded up, hit the BK drive through and were on the road pretty quick.
After a brief conversation with "old-man Denny" in the grocery store parking lot in
about the river conditions and hazards we promised him we would leave him a note at the take out of any hazards we encountered on the river so he
wouldn’t kill himself on his next run down the river. We in deed did leave a note on the tree as promised but that
doesn’t mean he won’t kill himself –
we can only do so much for others that try this stuff! .JPG)
We made it to the put in as the sun was burning through the cloud cover. The sun was so nice I even took a brief nap on Tom’s trailer before we jumped on the river.

We set up and were on the river by noon. The water was low but it was still a good time. We enjoyed the warm sun pretty much the entire 8 miles to the take out. I wish I had taken more pictures on the trip since this in a favorite river of mine and the weather and scenery is spectacular.
Since we
didn’t really make any stops along the way, except to watch each other run White Lightning, we completed the run in about 3 hours. And most importantly I was home in time for dinner!
Stats: Cispus River (Upper) - Class IVMiles Logged: 8Flow Data: 1410cfs
"King Kevin"